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Ebstein Anomaly

Ebstein anomaly is a rare defect in which the tricuspid valve, which prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium, is deformed. The right side of the heart is where deoxygenated blood from the body is pumped into the lungs for oxygenation.

Our Approach to Ebstein Anomaly

UCSF provides comprehensive, highly specialized care for adults living with heart defects such as Ebstein anomaly. Our dedicated team of experts offers a wide array of services, including thorough medical evaluations, advanced treatments, long-term monitoring, and personalized recommendations on diet, exercise, psychosocial support and family planning.

Awards & recognition

  • usnews-neurology

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • One of the nation’s best in cardiology & heart surgery

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
