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An estimated 60 percent of Americans aged 20 years and older are considered overweight and one-quarter are considered obese. Being overweight means that you have an excess amount of body weight, including muscle, bone, fat and water. Being obese means that you have an excess amount of body fat.

Obesity significantly increases your risk of developing life-threatening conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. Each year, approximately 280,000 adults die from an obesity-related condition in the United States. Additionally, studies have shown that people who are overweight often suffer from societal discrimination, which may lead to depression, self-esteem and body issue problems.

Our Approach to Obesity

UCSF offers both surgical and nonsurgical programs for safe, effective weight management. Our team includes physicians, dietitians and psychologists with experience and special training in treating patients with obesity, including those with other complicating medical conditions.

Our offerings include nutritionally sound dietary plans and guidance on adopting new eating and exercise habits, as well as support groups and educational classes. We can customize any plan, and we collaborate as needed with other UCSF specialists to ensure each patient gets the most effective care possible.

For patients considering weight loss surgery, we offer a comprehensive bariatric surgery program with the expertise to handle the most complex and challenging cases. We're able to use minimally invasive techniques for the vast majority of patients. After surgery, we provide follow-up care to help patients maintain their weight loss and enjoy a healthier, longer life.

Awards & recognition

  • usnews-neurology

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • usnews-diabetes-and-endocrinology

    Best in Northern California for diabetes care & endocrinology

  • MBSAQIP-Accreditation_2x

    Accredited comprehensive center for bariatric surgery
